Amateur radio software for linux

Download ham radio linux software free ham radio downloads. A linux packet station can be used for mail, chat, and tcpip. The program was initially written by joe taylor, k1jt, but is now open source and is developed by a small team. Come chat with us about everything linux and amateur radio related in our ham forum or see forum topics below listen to our podcast to hear editors shawn powers and kyle rankin discuss our amateur radio special issue little known fact. So no matter what operating system you run on your computer, there will be a digital mode application available for your operating needs. It is a linux x window amateur station tracking and information reporting application. Best of all, since the ubuntu system is open source software, this is all available for free, which makes ubuntu linux and ham radio a hard combination to beat. Cqrlog is an advanced ham radio logger based on mysql database.

This blend aims to support the needs of radio amateurs. Klog is a multiplatform free hamradio logger, the only one able to run in linux, windows and macos klog is providing qso management, useful qsl management dxcluster client, dxcc management, clublog integration, wsjtx, dxmarathon support and much more. It supports a large number of manufacturers and models, as well as provides a way to interface with multiple data sources and formats. For example, if you wanted to install fldigi for the amateur radio club, you could download it from the aur and then use makepkg to install it. Wsjt is a computer program used for weaksignal radio communication between amateur radio operators. Come chat with us about everything linux and amateur radio related in our ham forum or see forum topics below listen to our podcast to hear editors shawn powers and kyle rankin discuss our amateur radio special issue. The ham radio applications include programs for morse code training, aprs. Amateur radio transceiver control the radioreference wiki. May 17, 2020 download kb1oiq andys ham radio linux for free.

I have the ubuntu distribution of linux running on a laptop in the shack. Skywave linux is an operating system using bleedingedge technology to robustly access broadcast, utility, military, and amateur radio signals from almost anywhere in the world, including countries with restrictive internet environments. Klog klog the free ham radio logging program for linux. Kenwood network command system radio host program arhp990 version 1. A remaster of the knoppix distro for amateur radio operators hams who have no prior experience with linux. Here are a few ham radio logging applications that linux offers. With this operating system, a person may tune shortwave broadcasts, amateur radio, aeronautical, maritime, or other signals received at remote servers around the world. Linux for amateur radio from k7qos home page linux software by mike k6eep. Kc8unj free programming software for many yaesu handhelds, including the vx2, vx5, vx6, vx7, vr120, ft60 as well as the icom r2. Work with upstream application developers to get more software updated for modern linux distributions. An overview of ham amateur radio software available under the gnulinux ubuntu operating system.

We are back working together as a team after 20 years, now thats amateur radio. Linux software wolfpack fromv01pwf loren logger, dipole and inverted vee calculator, morse tutor, more n0nbs linux introduction for hams. With version 4 he is fast enough to fulfill all tasks. Here it isnt obvious under which heading one would find applications suitable for use with amateur radio. Also fedora is catching up by including many amateur radio packages in recent releases i.

For over 23 years, rt systems has produced the most uptodate amateur radio software for all the top radio manufacturers. Software for amateur radio ac6vs amateur radio and. Aprs is an automatic position reporting system whereby objects report their position usually obtained from gps on the air. Along with the most reliable software, rt systems makes the best cables for programming andor control. November 2019 i am a big friend of the small raspberry pi which and use this gladly for amateur radio. The current release version of ham radio deluxe is v6.

Software control for icom radios with civ interface. I am a big friend of the small raspberry pi which and use this gladly for amateur radio. This page is currently still under construction in early 2018. Packet radio is an amateur radio technology from the early 1980s that sends data between computers. Did you know a feature article in linux journal issue number one was linux and hams linux amateur radio resources. Wa9ony amateur ham radio raspberry pi computer projects. Every pure blend is a subset of debian that is configured to support a particular target group outofthebox.

The aprs amateur radio software of choice on linux is called xastir. People who merely use the command line on unixlinux will love this tool, as well as. Ham radio deluxe software radio amateurs best asset. Provides a complete os, software for hobby, web, and word tasks. Displays schedules hfcc and ilgradio in a treelike expandable way, on a 24hour gantt chart and on a world map with greyline and propagation coloring. Andys ham radio linux has gnu radio already installed, with gqrx as a very nice gui for many kinds of software defined radios.

In either case we have done our best to make sure the following links point to the most recent version. Worlds most popular ham radio software for amateur radio operators ham radio deluxe software the radio amateurs best asset integrated software for logging, rig control, digital modes, satellite. Amateur radio linux distribution category is a curation of 6 web resources on, hamos, ubuntu ham radio software, ai9nl harvs hamshack hack. Iz8bly mt63 mt63 is a digital radio modulation mode for transmission in highnoise situations developed by pawel jalocha sp9vrc. Three types of software defined radio are supported by skywave linux. Welcome to logger32, a 32bit amateur radio logging program written by bob furzer, k4cy. The linux ham radio logging software is featurerich and free. Digital sstv software is based on digital radio mondiale drm which is an open standard system for transmitting digital signals. Dxzone amateur radio software an exhaustive directory of amateur radio software references.

Ham radio digital modes software list and descriptions. For instance here is a screenshot from the linux mints default package manager which is somewhat typical. Bob is also the author of zakanaka, and a 16bit version of logger. The debian hamradio pure blend is a project of the debian hamradio maintainers team who collaborate on maintenance of amateurradio related packages for debian. Ham radio logging software on linux ham radio amateur. Dxzone amateur radio software an exhaustive directory of. Ham radio programs for linux platform category is a curation of 102 web resources on, tlf contest log, linsmith smith chart utlity, spek. There are many ways and many software to make the raspi fit for ham radio. Home wsjtx wsjt map65 wspr simjt program development references support. Has gpio hardware interface with rs232, i 2 c, spi and digital io. This software collection uses the xfce desktop environemt with menus customized for amateur radio use. Skywave linux is a 64 bit live system providing installed and configured software for accessing software defined radio servers locally and on the internet. A morse tutor that drives any linux supported soundcard. Amateur radio with gnulinux serge stroobandt, on4aa.

Boot linux for safety, speed and the wealth of more than 62. Logger32 has been developed to be a highly user configurable general purpose amateur radio logbook with computer control support for many radios and antenna rotators. Normal usage requires a standard ssb transceiver and a personal computer with soundcard, or the equivalent. The rpi is great for use with amateur ham radio projects because it is. What you can do then is install linux next to windows, a socalled dualboot system. I see kb1oiq andys ham radio linux was last updated on 20171126 has been highlighted in the past as a great package. An overview of ham amateur radio software available under the gnu linux ubuntu operating system. Chirp is a free, opensource tool for programming your amateur radio.

Most sstv software allows for both sending and receiving sstv signals, with the ability to autodetect which mode is being received. The digital signal processing techniques in wsjt make it substantially easier for amateur radio operators to employ esoteric propagation modes, such as high speed meteor scatter. Adsb mapping is available from dump1090s built in webserver. Runs a wide variety of open source linux software related to radio applications. Jul 06, 2015 promote amateur radio as an enjoyable hobby for all interested people promote and help each other use amateur radio applications on ubuntu linux organize and collaborate on the development, packaging and maintenance where needed for amateur radio applications, both in ubuntu linux and upstream. Amateur radio soundblaster software collection from dr. After 2 years of running ubuntu on two of my home pcs, i find that the more i use it the more i like it, so give it a try. I would like to know the forums opinion on what is the best linux suite of ham radio software tools, packages, os, etc. Software suites are designed to provided integrated applications that should cover the basic needs for operating a digital shack. There are a number of software applications available that will run on windows, mac osx and various forms of linux. Ham radio software on linux episode 1 pyqso youtube. Sstv software for ham radio sstv emission amateur radio wiki.

Comments on eham about ham radio deluxe can be found here. The former is a standardized way of installing unofficial software, and the latter is a place for users to share the software that they installed using the abs. Worlds most popular ham radio software for amateur radio operators ham radio deluxe software the radio amateur s best asset integrated software for logging, rig control, digital modes, satellite. Feb 09, 2014 this video is going to show you how to find and get amateur ham radio software for linux mint andor ubuntu. Wsjtx wsjt map65 wspr simjt program development references support.

Software for amateur radio ac6vs amateur radio and dx. First get an updated package list by entering the following command in to terminal if this has not been done today sudo apt update then install your chosen package with the command sudo apt install package name find out more with the guide to installing software with the apt command. Amateur radio software for receptiontransmission of jt65a protocol with an emphasis upon its usage in the high frequency amateur bands. Despite its age, amateur radio operators continue to use and develop packet radio today. Linux, software radio and the radio amateur 1notes appear on page 35. Dump1090 mutability version is for monitoring aircraft adsb transmissions. How to find ham radio software in linux mint and ubuntu. The debian hamradio pure blend is a project of the debian hamradio maintainers team who collaborate on maintenance of amateur radio related packages for debian. Packet radio lives on through open source software. This video is going to show you how to find and get amateur ham radio software for linux mint andor ubuntu. Present barriers to software radios while some innovations in ham radio technology might have been slowed by how software radio technology might revitalize experimentation in amateur radio.

Linux has natively supported the packet radio protocol, more formally known as ax. Catalan, croatian, danish, english, finish, italian, japanese and spanish. Having finally ditched windows, im having to find replacement amateur radio software that will run on linux, not all that easy to do, in some cases, but this one seems to run ok. I have enjoyed using it with an rtlsdr to tune the local fm band in clean stereo. Some software may be included in multiple sections e. Cubicsdr is the graphical interface which receives am fm ssb modes. I am also the net manager for the linux user net which is every monday from 8. Software is an integral part of the amateur satellite experience, and provides services from predicting satellite pass, steering antennas and tuning radios. Aprs is an automatic position reporting system whereby. In this video i show you how to setup logging software using linux mint. One of my preferred package mangers for just browsing the list to find things is synaptic. A lot of the software exists for windows as well and much of this software looks the. The ubuntu os supports all of the usual pc functions but with software that is all.

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